Yoga- The exploration of one’s peace of mind and physical health. In my previous blog post on the connection between Hindustani and Western Classical singing, I wrote about how music binds us cross-culturally through sonic similarities. Music connects human spirits with one another. Yoga is very much a similar practice by disciplining the body, soul and the mind to become at peace with its surroundings.
Dedicating time to yoga offers amazing benefits for singers. By combining a disciplined vocal regiment with routine yoga sessions, performers can not only strengthen their vocal control with the greatest ease, but also apply this control to all genres of singing, from heavy metal, rock, and pop, to R&B, Soul, and challenging ballads sung by legends such as Celine Dion, Beyonce, and Whitney Houston.
The two elements of yoga that will contribute to a successful vocal training plan are breathing and postural exercises.
Daily stresses unfortunately can take a hefty toll on our bodies and minds, causing our bodies to tense up and carrying ourselves with poor, straining postures. Yoga fixes these issues with vertical alignment practices for the entire body. Yoga can align your body through various stretching techniques to avoid physical problems in the future. Yoga also relieves any neck or facial tension that inhibits performance, and the ability to produce an open sound that otherwise comes from a relaxed upper body. You’ll also find an undiscovered source of energy that is derived from yogic exercises, which builds incredible stamina and keeps you active on stage.
Another powerful exercise is yogic breathing, also known as Pranayama. The most effective breathing for singers is low breathing, which involves the lower part of the lungs and chest, also known as abdominal breathing. By expanding the lower abdomen out as your breath and pushing it in as you exhale, you are taking in more air for the breath support you need for challenging vocal lines. An added bonus is that low breathing improves general circulation for the body.
It’s important to understand that the secret ingredient to healthy singing is simple: relaxation. By finding balance in the mind and body, your vocal abilities can be nurtured and tapped to its fullest potential. All of these benefits can be attained through yoga and yoga alone.
Here are some popular, yet fairly easy exercises to get started that are sure to improve performance posture and stamina. Namaste!